Nonstore vs. Total Retail Sales

This chart highlights the growing prominence of nonstore retailers in the broader retail trade and food services landscape. It's a reflection of the 'e-commerce revolution' reshaping the retail sector, quantifying the surge in online shopping as a percentage of total retail sales.

The formula used aggregates the retail sales from nonstore retailers and divides it by the total retail trade and food services sales (excluding motor vehicle and parts dealers, food services and drinking places, and food and beverage stores), multiplying the result by 100 to obtain a percentage.

Here's how to interpret this data:

  • Nonstore Retailers: These include online marketplaces, mail-order houses, vending machine operators, and door-to-door sales. A rise in this sector's sales figures represents growing consumer preference for online shopping.

  • Total Retail Sales: This includes all goods sold within the period, excluding services and second-hand goods. It's a key indicator of consumer spending trends and economic health.

  • E-Commerce Retail Sales as a Percent of Total Sales: This data point represents the portion of total sales made up by e-commerce. A rising percentage indicates the increasing prevalence of online shopping.

Potential Interpretations:

  • Positive Scenario: An increasing percentage suggests consumers are adapting to digital shopping methods, which could mean growth for e-commerce companies and those retailers with strong online platforms.

  • Negative Scenario: A declining percentage might imply a shift back to brick-and-mortar retail, or could signify issues within the e-commerce sector, such as delivery disruptions, privacy concerns, or a decline in consumer trust.

By understanding this data, you'll have your finger on the pulse of retail trends, helping you to anticipate potential shifts in the market tied to consumer behavior.

Last updated